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email virus Several recent security reports have shown us that the CryptoLocker Virus is on the rise (a virus that functions as a ransom, your information is encrypted until you pay a fee). Although our company is an expert in preventing and deactivating viruses such as the CryptoLocker Virus, the best strategy is to avoid them altogether. Here are some of the ways you can be proactive with your cybersecurity needs: Severely infected computers send viruses to other users across the network by using the contact list of your email software and shared resources within your office. Having an IT force at your side can help, but the best prevention is education. So before you download that attachment, make sure you read these guidelines to keep your network safe.

With the relative safety of most email these days, it’s important not to let down your guard, but instead implement the following best practices to stay up-to-date with email security. Case in point: Telx recently discovered a Cryptolocker virus (a type of ransomware that encrypts and holds your information hostrage until until you purchase an encryption key) in one of our client's server. We caught it in time, but though it would be a good time to touch base about email security.

Computers and smartphones are integral to almost everyone’s lives, and they are an important part of businesses today; so it is vital that steps are taken to protect valuable data and other information. Whenever a connection to the Internet is established, files are shared, or...

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof method to prevent human error, which is why employee mistakes are the most common security breaches. So, how do you prevent it? Your company needs preventative security policies detailed in your employee handbook and ensure your employee reads through it and signs off on agreeing to abide by them.

Microsoft Exchange server is an e-mail based collaborative communications server that includes integrated collaborative messaging features that extend e-mail to include scheduling, contact management, folder sharing, and task management functionality. Companies are realizing that migrating from traditional e-mail solutions and using Hosted Exchange can not...