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Telx Computers News

email virus Several recent security reports have shown us that the CryptoLocker Virus is on the rise (a virus that functions as a ransom, your information is encrypted until you pay a fee). Although our company is an expert in preventing and deactivating viruses such as the CryptoLocker Virus, the best strategy is to avoid them altogether. Here are some of the ways you can be proactive with your cybersecurity needs: Severely infected computers send viruses to other users across the network by using the contact list of your email software and shared resources within your office. Having an IT force at your side can help, but the best prevention is education. So before you download that attachment, make sure you read these guidelines to keep your network safe.

Sooner or later, computers or any device on your business network is going to hit a roadblock. This could be a software or hardware malfunction, or even something more abstract: a server problem. These issues are going cause undesired cost besides the computer services fees that are usually underestimated when hiring a flat rate help desk service. The IT (information technology) help desk’s primary function is creating a centralized resource where users can address the inevitable hiccups in the computing world. IT Help Desk service providers like Telx Computers usually offers communications channels like tickets system, email, live chat, remote support or even onsite support at fixed rates for businesses.

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof method to prevent human error, which is why employee mistakes are the most common security breaches. So, how do you prevent it? Your company needs preventative security policies detailed in your employee handbook and ensure your employee reads through it and signs off on agreeing to abide by them.
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