IT Service Company in Miami Now Selling Surveillance Systems | IT Services Miami | Computer repair | Telx Computers

IT Service Company in Miami Now Selling Surveillance Systems

IT Service Company in Miami Now Selling Surveillance Systems

An IT support company in Miami, Telx Computers, announces they are now selling new and improved state-of-the-art, high-quality video surveillance systems online to help companies lower employee theft within the workplace. Different surveillance options can be viewed by visiting IT Service company, and clicking the Shop Online link located on the homepage.

How necessary is video surveillance?

According to a CBS news investigation article in Huffington Post, companies lose approximately five percent of their revenue as a result of employee theft. If that is not bad enough, the U.S. Department of Justice released findings stating 33 percent of employees commit some type of workplace fraud, and employee theft has even been a major factor in bankrupting numerous organizations.

Currently, there are software programs capable of monitoring computer systems and preventing online viruses from wreaking havoc on an organization’s mainframe. Plus, there are a variety of security alarm systems available, designed to dissuade possible late night break-ins.

However, PC monitoring software and burglar alarms are not going to catch a dishonest or disgruntled employee from stealing company property. Unfortunately, many company thefts are an inside job (occurring during normal business hours).

As a result of the growing problem, Telx Computers is now in the online market of selling both small companies and big-time corporations with high-tech, video surveillance systems to help reduce employee theft and loss of profits. By going online to, employers can view the different security options, compare them to one another, then determine the best system suited for their company.

According to the article, U.S. Chamber of Commerce studies show 75 percent of employees will steal from their company sometime within their career. The theft could be minor or major. Regardless, the accumulation of products taken from an organization will impact a company’s bottom line. Plus, if there are accusations but no proof, the employee could become a high risk for the organization, causing greater loss of profits.

With the right type of video surveillance in place, employee theft will be reduced and have less impact on a companies overall profits.

The highly acclaimed Miami computer services organization is one of the premier IT companies available for immediate help desk questions, computer repairs, and remote support. The highly-skilled IT staff is known for their expertise in developing resilient information infrastructures to eliminate glitches and ensure businesses run smoothly.

The computer support Company offers proactive, fixed-price IT support programs designed to maintain expenses associated with technology issues while providing network monitoring and support.

For more information, contact Telx Computers directly by calling 1-800-MY Telx 4 (698-3594) or use their LIVE CHAT button option on their website to speak with a live operator.

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